Watch in English

Dr. Bill Byrom’s recently published book “Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes: 
An Implementation Handbook for Clinical Research, 2nd Edition” has recently 
been made available in Japanese language.

This translation was funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 

of Japan, through a task force led by Prof. Shimozuma aimed at developing PRO 
guidelines for Japanese researchers, clinicians, and industries.

Vice President 
Principal of eCOA Science 
Signant Health

Dr. Bill Byrom, PhD, is Vice President of Product Intelligence and Positioning and Principal of eCOA Science at Signant Health. He is a recognized industry leader in eClinical product strategy, electronic clinical outcome assessments (eCOA), and decentralized clinical trials. Bill is an internationally renowned COA scientific expert, and the author of 80+ publications, and two industry textbooks on electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO). He serves on two industry expert task forces within the Professional Society for Health Economics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR), is a member of the Critical Path Institute’s (C-Path) working group on Chronic Heart Failure, and serves on the Executive Advisory Board of the EU-funded Learning Network for Advanced Behavioral Data Analysis (LABDA) research program. Bill is a member the Drug Information Association’s (DIA) working group on meaningful change, and a core contributor to the C-Path eCOA Consortium where he previously served as Industry Vice Director. In addition to his position at Signant Health, Bill is a Senior Visiting Professor at Nottingham Trent University’s Medical Design and Research Group.

Tetsu Morita
Regional Director
Global Project Management
Signant Health

Tetsu Morita has more than 20 years of experience in Customer Relationship Management in Life Sciences and IT companies. He is currently responsible for leading the Project Management team to ensure client satisfaction and continued growth of the assigned client portfolio through successful delivery of all contracted services in the APAC clients.

Sales Development
Signant Health
Christian Marquant 

Christian is passionate about contributing to the success of clinical development with technology solutions and increasing Signant Health’s visibility through Marketing initiatives in the APAC area. Centered on business development and marketing, his experience includes 6 years in connection with the pharmaceutical industry.

The Speakers

最近出版されたBill Byrom博士の著書『電磁的患者報告アウトカム測定法臨床研究の



Signant Health

Signant Healthの製品・インテリジェンス・ポジショニング担当副社長およびeCOAサイエンスのプリンシパルです。eClinical製品戦略、電磁的臨床アウトカム評価eCOA、分散型臨床試験における業界のリーダーとして認められています。国際的に著名なCOA科学専門家であり、80冊以上の出版物、電磁的患者報告アウトカムePROに関する業界の教科書を2冊執筆しました。また医療経済・アウトカム研究学会ISPOR内の2つの業界専門家タスクフォースで活躍し、クリティカルパス研究所C-Pathの慢性心不全に関するワーキンググループのメンバーでもあります。さらにEUが資金提供する高度行動データ分析学習ネットワーク(LABDA)研究プログラムの執行諮問委員も務めています。Drug Information AssociationDIAの意味ある変化に関するワーキンググループのメンバーであり、以前は業界副ディレクターを務めていたC-Path eCOAコンソーシアムで中心的な役割を果たしています。Signant Healthでの役割に加えて、ノッティンガム トレント大学の医療デザインおよび研究グループの上級客員教授も務めています。 

盛田 徹
Signant Health


マーケティング・セールス開発 マネージャー
Signant Health
丸貫(マルカン) クリスティアン

APAC地域でのマーケティング活動によるSignant Health認知度の向上と、テクノロジーソリューションによる臨床開発の成功への貢献に注力しています。ビジネス開発とマーケティング分野を中心に、製薬業界に6年間携わった経験を持っています 

  • 臨床試験におけるデータ管理方法論の研究と体系化を目指した教育の実践
  • 患者報告アウトカムを用いる臨床研究のコンサルテーション
  • Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM)日本支部 Steering Committee Member
  • JCOG PRO/QoL研究委員会 委員
  • J-SUPPORT 執行委員
  • 厚生労働省事業のデータマネジャー養成研修の講師やファシリテーターを務め、全国のアカデミアのデ
Meaningful Outcome Consulting
宮路 天平 
Tempei Miyaji
Meaningful Outcome Consulting, Japan
  • Steering Committee Member of the Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM) Japanese Chapter.
  • Committee Member of JCOG PRO/QoL Research Committee
  • Executive Committee Member of J-SUPPORT
  • Education focused on the research and systematization of clinical data management methodologies in clinical trials.
  • Consultation on clinical research using patient-reported outcomes.
  • Serving as an instructor and facilitator for data manager training programs, which are a part of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's project, organized by The University of Tokyo and Tohoku University, providing education and training for data managers across academia nationwide.
Optimizing Trials with ePROs
Watch in Japanese